The Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy FOR MEN, from the Medical Literature

Natural Life News • May–June 2017

Life Enhancement with Dr. Michael Lang, ND, ABHRT


            Testosterone is a hormone normally associated with men, but is also found in women. Testosterone is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, testes and ovaries. It contributes to muscle mass, strength, and endurance, decreased fat, increased exercise tolerance, enhancement of well-being and one’s psychological states. Testosterone protects against cardiovascular disease, hypertension, body fat, and arthritis. It leads to improved lean-muscle mass, increased bone density, a decrease in cholesterol, improved skin tone, improved healing capacity, and increased libido and sexual performance. Testosterone is the best hormone to increase collagen and elastin, improving the quality of one’s skin. It prolongs the quality of life by decreasing the diseases of aging.

            Andropause (“male menopause”) typically occurs from age 40 on and is caused by a reduction in hormone levels. Usually accompanied by fatigue, depression, irritability, aches and pains, reduced sexual interest, enjoyment and/or performance, general signs of aging, and increased risk of chronic, degenerative diseases.

            Testosterone replacement in men, done with bio-identical testosterone in correct physiological doses, is not only safe, but is also protective. This is well supported in the medical literature. As mentioned, testosterone has been shown to increase muscle strength and body mass, improve sexual response and fight impotence, prevent osteoporosis, protect against cardiovascular disease, increase energy, and improve one’s mood and sense of well-being. A recently published study showed that men with higher testosterone levels live longer.

            Men who receive testosterone replacement typically report they feel sexier, stronger, and healthier. Some state that it makes them feel as they did when they were in their prime. And multiple medical studies have proven that testosterone does not cause prostate cancer.

            After all, that’s what replenishment of hormones is all about—restoring those hormones to youthful levels so you can feel as you did when you were at the peak of your physical and mental abilities. Testosterone can slow down the physical decline that robs men of their energy, strength, and libido. Testosterone can restore muscle tone and improve stamina as it improves one’s well-being. Why would men not want more of this healthy hormone?

            Next time, we will visit testosterone and its benefits—for women!


            Call Dr. Michael Lang, ND, ABHRT, for an appointment at (406) 586-1100. To learn more about services, visit Office at 704 N. 22nd Avenue, Suite #1, Bozeman. Facebook: thevitallife.

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